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Tag: InfoSec

What Hacking Actually Is

I want you to imagine a you just bought a second-hand car. Let’s say, a ‘91 Toyota Corolla. It drives fine, but when you check the internals … it’s a mess. Some madman has totally rewired it based on no plan known to god nor mechanic: there’s solder everywhere; there’s blowtorch burns so extensive you can smell them on a hot day; there’s a bunch of random LEDs that don’t seem to do anything, but if you take any of them out the car won’t start. You’re convinced that this whole thing is going to explode if you take it above 55km/h.

You spend weeks rewiring it. You can’t get it to look anything like a factory model, but when you’re done you’re at least convinced you can use the cupholder without cutting your hand off. Damn, you’re good—it was a pain in the ass and you had to disassemble a string of Christmas lights for some extra LEDs, but you’re proud of your work.

If the car were a piece of software, the correct way to describe your repairs would be hacking a hack. And if somebody else managed to gain remote-control of your car using an issue in the old wiring that you missed (who installs a mini-microwave under the engine? Why does the microwave have wifi?) and proceeds to plow it into a nanna crossing the road at 10am, then they’ve hacked your hacked hack.  

Do you see why this is a problem?

Here’s an incomplete list of things I have heard developers call ‘a hack’:

  • Intentional unauthorised access
  • Unintentional unauthorised access
  • Any malicious code inserted into any device
  • Any exploit whatsoever
  • Good, clever, well-made code (written by you)
  • Terrible, no-good, jerry-rigged code (written by somebody else)
  • Any code whatsoever (written by anybody at all)

If it helps, consider lifehacks. We’ve all seen them: stuff like putting a rubber band around a paint can so you can wipe your brush on it. They’re probably the closest the general public gets to the tech definition of ‘hacking’—No.8 Wire solutions that look a bit janky but can do a good (or better) job than using the tool in the intended fashion. And, like software hacks, a lot of them are profoundly worthless and will make your microwave explode. An intentional hack that results in unauthorised access is, well, hacking the code—using the tools available to improvise a way into a secure area. The very first hackers were folks in the 1950s who figured out you could ‘hack’ phone lines by playing the right sounds at them to make free telephone calls. Often it involved using a high-tech “blue box” but sometimes all it took was a 5c tin whistle tuned to the right note.

I briefly mentioned ‘cracking’ in the original budget piece, and that’s a more common (if a little dated) term among developers and InfoSec folks to refer to intentional malicious penetration of a system. Some hacks are cracks, but not all cracks are hacks. Using a specific tool designed to penetrate a secure system is cracking, and probably best fits the public understanding of a ‘hack’. It isn’t a hack, though—it’s using the tool for its intended purpose.

OR Hacking and Cracking are the same and both only refer to unauthorised access, but one is good and one is bad OR it’s actually Hacking and Cracking and Packing, which is about politics and gerrymandering and not about tech, unless you decide it isn’t and start a fight about it in the Burger King parking lot OR it’s a sort of random gapfiller that helps to give shape to vague tech ideas that don’t have a name. The public definition has bled into the professional one and now it’s hard to tell what anybody is talking about. It’s a rubber band of a word: a wibbly, stretchy, useful fix in your day-to-day, but not great as a permanent solution. The word ‘hack’ is, ironically, a bit of a hack.

It gets even more complicated when—like it did with the 2019 NZ budget breach—the word crashes into the public sphere. While developers use the term too broadly, the discourse uses it far too narrowly. We’ve seen this over the last few weeks: people arguing over whether it means Intentional Unauthorised Access Against A Perfectly Secure System or whether we’re allowed to broaden it as far as Intentional Unauthorised Access Facilitated By Poor Information Security Practises and meanwhile developers are in the corner shouting “Shit, this whole network layer is just a bunch of hacks. I hacked their hacks and now I’ve just gotta hope we don’t get hacked.”

Although just for the record, if you’re in that former camp re what hacking is, how good does security have to be before something counts as a hack? Because no encryption is perfect. One of the better forms of encryption—often used by governments and the intelligence community—is called PGP, or “Pretty Good Privacy”. The name is partly a joke, but it’s also a tacit admission to what everybody in this business knows: everything has got a back door somewhere, even PGP. Quinn Norton’s wonderful essay Everything is Broken is absolutely required reading here; there’s back doors everywhere. Even if the code is perfect (which it ain’t—even the best developers in the world have bad days), that back door is a curious intern who picks up a USB in the carpark, or a security guy new enough to not know all the faces, or an IT guy with a porn addiction.

Perfect protection is impossible, and “good enough protection” by the standards of politicians and pundits is a goalpost that moves depending on who’s doing the kicking.

Which is a big part of the reason all this debate around hacking has made the actual InfoSec community so annoyed: people who don’t know what they’re talking about are using words they don’t understand to score political points. It’s also not surprising when they do it: Makhlouf and Robertson weren’t wrong when they called it a hack, nor were National wrong for saying it wasn’t. I’m not one of those “both sides have a point” guys (God forbid) but both sides in this case are right, but they’re right because the discourse sucks. They weren’t lying when they used it that way, because that’s how it’s used: to mean a different thing depending on what you need from it. They’re right because they’re haggling over the definition of an incredibly vague term that not even the people using it professionally can agree on.

It falls to us as people who actually pay attention to these things to elevate the discourse, or we’re again going to have to deal with the spectacle of the most powerful people in the country flicking rubber bands at each other and claiming they’re bullets.

Alexander Stronach is an author and editor from Wellington, New Zealand. You can find him raising hell on Twitter @understatesmen, or on the roadside shouting at passing cars.

The 2019 NZ Budget Leak: what actually happened

EDIT: This piece has gone much bigger than expected. I’m blown away. I was editing during the day to add clarifications onto the end, but I’ve gone back and worked them into the body of the text.

The Treasury data breach has been a shitshow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger disconnect between the experts and the pundits, and I don’t say that lightly. I’m not a security guy, for what it’s worth: I’m a writer at a tech firm, but I’m fascinated by security and over the last few days I’ve been talking to people who actually know their stuff. Almost unanimously they’re calling this a breach. Almost unanimously, the pundits are off shouting that it’s “not a hack!”.

Right from the start, I’m setting a rule: we’re not going to talk about “hacking”. It means totally different things to the IT sector (anything from coding at all to randomly kludged spaghetti code that really shouldn’t work) and the public (a man in a trenchcoat saying “I’m in!”), and most InfoSec types shy away from it anyway. I’m not going to bore you with the whole hacking vs cracking debate, but we’re going to call this thing what it is: a data breach.

So what happened?*¹ This is a web server:

Its job is to display web content. Every time you go online, you’re accessing content from web servers. Simple enough? This is a staging server:

It serves as a testing environment. Content intended for the public but not yet released goes on the staging server to make sure it runs smoothly for when the time comes to make it public. Some staging server content never goes live: it either didn’t work as expected or it wasn’t meant to be there, or something changed and it got pulled.

Treasury cloned their web server, put it in the staging server, then added the budget to it for testing. The problem is, they also cloned the index configuration: the instructions that the search used to store search data for later use. Both web and staging server stored their search information in the same place and SOLR—the program running the search function—wasn’t properly instructed to avoid the staging server. That gave the web server access to the search information about documents on the staging server via the search bar, though not the staging documents themselves.

To illustrate, here’s the Spinoff today:

See how you get the title and the first few lines? Using the exploit on the Treasury’s site, somebody pulled snippets of the budget like that from the staging server. Critically, to do this, you would need to know the title of the section. You search for a specific heading in the web server, and it comes up with the title and the first 4-5 lines. It was, all things considered, a pretty small hole:

  1. It required the attacker to know the content was on the staging server
  2. It required the attacker to know the specific wording on the staging server
  3. Even then, it only gave them snippets

So what happened? Well, a leak. The actual leak. The budget didn’t leak: the budget’s search index leaked. That’s essentially a table of contents. The budget ToC being out in the open covered points 1 and 2 above: the fact the budget was ready to go public (thus, probably on the staging server) and a list of searchable titles and subtitles.

“Leak” is a strong word, too: it used the same headings as the 2018 budget. I’m still a little fuzzy on whether the actual index leaked (as in, got sent to the wrong place/got left out somewhere irresponsible/got made public too early) or whether somebody just heard it was the same as last year’s via the Thorndon grapevine and started punching in queries.

What about #3? Well, that’s why there were 2000 searches. They pulled 2000 snippets and put the budget together like a jigsaw. It’s not “just a search”: it’s using a leaked search index to perform 2000 searches, to take advantage of an exploit that pulled small pieces of content from a staging server, then stitching that content together in post. It’s not something Johnny Q Public could do by accident. It’s not an “open door” at all. That’s also why National got some details wrong: they didn’t have a complete picture. They had a very good outline, though. All the titles and subtitles, and the first few lines after each.

It’s all a bit rubbish but—to quote InfoSec luminary Adam Boileau—”it’s not rubbish if it works“.

Metaphors about the door being unlocked do us no favours, unless we really want pundits to be better-equipped to twist the actual events. Whether or not it’s a “hack” doesn’t really matter: it’s an intentional attempt to gain access to private data. It utilised an exploit to pull content that wasn’t meant to be public. It’s a breach. More than that, there are established protocols for what happens if somebody finds an exploit in government software. These rules were written by the National Party in 2014, and National failed to follow them. Their failure to follow protocol merits investigation: they let the particular use of an exploit go undetected for their own political gain. Even if the content was delivered to them anonymously by a no-good samaritan, they bear at least partial responsibility for this because they went public instead of reporting it.

Where did the Treasury fuck up?

  • They should’ve considered their SOLR configuration when they cloned their data to the staging server.
  • They probably shouldn’t have cloned their web server to begin with—making a staging server from scratch with the same dependencies might have been a pain in the ass (I’m honestly not sure: I don’t know what their dependencies look like) but it would’ve been a lot safer.
  • They could’ve been jazzier about this year’s subtitles.

Where did the National Party fuck up?

  • They identified an exploit but—instead of following CERT protocol—they used it for their own personal gain.

I’m not gonna lie, it’s bad. Somebody dropped the ball, and somebody else put a knife into it.

Still, I do not believe Simon Bridges has committed a crime, nor has he committed Breach of Confidence. He has violated his CERT obligations, which at worst means he’ll get a strongly-worded nonbinding letter from MBIE telling him not to do it again. He did a bad thing, but not all bad things result in him being removed from Parliament in a paddy wagon. To quote one of my anonymous sources: “he’s an asshole, not a criminal.”

It’s still ridiculous that pundits are calling for heads to roll. At the end of the day, it wasn’t a big deal. Grant Robertson shrugged and moved on. The Treasury were right: what harm could somebody actually do by using that exploit? Release a half-complete version of the document a day early?

By the by, it’s not dodgy or extreme that anybody called it a ‘hack’. If there’s a problem with the word, it’s not that it doesn’t mean this, it’s that it does mean this because it’s a vague word that means wildly different things to different people. Not all hacking is a man in a trenchcoat typing into a green/black Linux CLI then saying “I’m in!”—It’s not rubbish if it works. Makhlouf and Robertson could’ve maybe been more precise with their language but that’s not a crime either.

And then, of course, the pundits got to it. Either the Treasury were little angels who did no wrong, or they were cringing fools who dropped a box of printed budgets off at the top Lambton Quay. What we actually have here is a pattern pretty typical of data breaches: a small screwup like improper SOLR config let an attacker access to data they shouldn’t have had. I’m sure somebody is going to shout at me that it wasn’t a small mistake, but unless they can explain how to correctly configure Apache SOLR in a Drupal installation so it doesn’t allow partial read access to cloned data in a staging server then they can fuck right off with their piety and condescension. It’s a screwup for sure, but the people talking about “open doors” need to pull their heads in.

What’s really happening is that the pundits smell blood in the water, and they don’t care what actually happened—they just want an excuse to sink their teeth in.

Same old NZPol, I guess.

If you like what you’re reading, stick around and check out some of my fiction, or follow me @understatesmen on Twitter.

*¹ most of this is coming through various DMs and actually talking to people. I am willing to admit I might’ve muddied the details, though I’ve done my best and at the very least—talking to actual experts and having a tech background—I’m doing a better job than the lukewarm tech reckons of blokes who struggle to operate a washing machine.

Credit for assistance to Sana Oshika, and the others who preferred to go unnamed.